[:ja]2022年夏季夏季休業のお知らせ:8月11日(木)~18日(木)[:en]Summer closure in 2022[:]



休業期間中にいただいたお問合せについては、営業開始日19日(金曜日)以降に順次 回答させていただきます。

今後とも、変らぬご愛顧を賜りますよう宜しくお願い申し上げます。[:en]We would like to inform you that our shop will be closed for a summer holiday from Thursday the 11th of August 2022 to Thursday the 18th of August 2022.

You will not be able to reach us during the holiday. We will reply to your e-mail after a holiday.
We will resume business as usual from Monday the 20th of August.

We are sorry for any inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.[:]


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